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Your Wedding, Your Way: Wedding Services in Green Bay, WI

At Beverly Gardens, we specialize in handling every detail of your big day. Weddings shouldn’t be stressful. We’re here to handle the unforeseen and ensure your day goes without problems. We have years of experience providing wedding services to Green Bay and Denmark, WI-area residents. Our team understands the importance of creating a unique experience, and we also tailor our services to you. By offering an impressive range of options, we have become one of the best in the business. Have your wedding in our historic building.

Our Wedding Packages

Wine Glass with flowers

The Diamond Package

The Diamond Package, which includes linens and linen napkins for all tables and cake cutting, is $32 per person. The prime rib is $6 extra per person.

  • Baked and broasted chicken
  • Choice of one: Ham, BBQ ribs, tenderloin tips, or steamed cod
  • Mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, rolls, coleslaw, dessert, coffee and milk
  • Choice of two: Sliced carrots, steamed baby carrots, California blend with cheese sauce, green beans, or buttered corn
  • Choice of blush wine or champagne for all tables
  • Champagne fountain or old fashioned fountain before dinner
  • Domestic beer and Soda after dinner for five hours
  • Hors d’oeuvres – Cheese and sausage tray, taco dip, vegetable tray before or after dinner, pizza, and walking tacos at 10:00 PM
Candles floating in a glass

The Ruby Package

The Ruby Package, which costs $25 per person, includes linens and linen napkins for all tables and cake cutting.

  • Baked and broasted chicken
  • Choice of one: Ham, BBQ ribs, or tenderloin tips
  • Mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, rolls, coleslaw, dessert, coffee and milk
  • Choice of two: Sliced carrots, green beans, or buttered corn
  • Champagne or wine for the bridal table
  • Domestic beer and Soda after dinner for five hours
  • Hors d'oeuvres – Cheese and sausage tray, vegetable tray, meatballs before or after dinner or pizza at 10 p.m.
Cupcakes with a Love light

The Emerald Package

The Emerald Package includes linens and linen napkins for all tables, costing $23 per person.

  • Baked and broasted chicken
  • Ham or BBQ ribs
  • Mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, rolls, coleslaw, dessert, coffee and milk
  • Choice of vegetable: Sliced carrots, green beans, or buttered corn
  • Champagne for the bridal table
  • Domestic beer and Soda after dinner for five hours
Dining table with plates and glasses

The Sapphire Package

The Sapphire Package is $22 per person.

  • Baked and broasted chicken
  • Mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, rolls, coleslaw, dessert, coffee and milk
  • Choice of vegetable: Sliced carrots, green beans, or buttered corn
  • Domestic beer and Soda after dinner for five hours

Enjoy Our Individual Event Items

The below dinners include mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, vegetables, rolls, coleslaw, dessert, coffee, and milk.

  • Chicken Dinner - $14.50
  • Chicken and Ham Dinner – $15.50
  • Chicken and Tips Dinner – $16.50
  • Chicken and Ribs Dinner – $15.50
  • Chicken and Cod Dinner - $17.50
  • Open Bar - $22.00 per Person
  • 5:00 PM to Midnight, No Shots

  • Old Fashioned Fountain - $275.00
  • ½ Barrel of Beer - $250.00
  • Cups and Pitchers, No Charge
    Served When DJ Begins
    Before DJ Price Is $350.00

  • Bartender (Usually Four Hours) $12.00 per Hour
  • Starts When Free Beer Begins

  • Free Soda - $1.50 Per Glass
Hors D’oeuvres
  • Cheese and Sausage Tray - $80.00
  • Meatballs - $65.00
  • Cocktail Wieners - $65.00
  • Taco Dip - $70.00
  • Cheese and Cheese Spreads - $65.00
  • Vegetable - $75.00
Extra Specialties
  • Champagne - $30.00 per Bottle
  • Wine - $6.00 per Glass
  • Cake Cutting - $80.00
  • Linen Tablecloth - $4.00
  • Linen Napkin - $.60

Contact Us

Your Wedding, Your Way