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Wedding Venue

Let Us Handle the Details While You Dance the Night Away

At Beverly Gardens, we understand the significance of your upcoming event. You’ve invested months, perhaps even years, planning every detail for the perfect day. We offer event planning to Green Bay, Denmark and the surrounding areas. We specialize in covering the details, ensuring everything runs smoothly, and creating lasting memories. We’re with you from the initial stages to the final moments, and we take great pride in handling every detail and challenge so you can enjoy the moment. Our team members know how to handle unexpected situations and can adjust without adding to your plate. Place your trust in our professional team today.

Creating Elegant Events for Over Years

When the big day finally arrives, we aim to ensure an elegant, comfortable, and fun experience. Events should be stress-free, allowing you to enjoy every minute without worrying about logistics. Our facility is designed with comfort in mind, featuring modern amenities and a classy atmosphere that sets the stage for a perfect event. Unity is essential in any event, and our layout ensures a seamless experience. No one will miss a moment of the action, and your guests will have as much fun as you are. Our commitment to excellence means that every detail is handled professionally, from the décor to the service, ensuring a flawless execution that exceeds your expectations.

We Emphasize Convenience Every Step of the Way

We have an accessible location just 15 minutes east of Green Bay. Transportation is crucial to a successful event, so we offer a shuttle service to and from nearby hotels, ensuring safety and convenience for all your guests and less stress for you. So, take a deep breath and relax. We’ve got the details covered with our professionalism, passion, and expertise. We’ll deliver on our promise of outstanding service so you can soak in the joy you find in the company of friends and family.


Beverly Gardens

5911 Pine Grove Rd
Denmark, WI 54208


Hours of Operation

  • Serving to the Public: Friday 4:30 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Sunday Brunch 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Weddings, Banquets, Receptions, Anniversaries & Private Parties: By Reservation

5911 Pine Grove Rd, Denmark, WI 54208, USA